With this Wind Shields you wont have more problem with windy environments…
It is a must if you want to be serious about nature of any exterior recordings, as wind is very easy to record without noticing and hard to eliminate in post processing stages.
Perfect for ASMR recording and enthusiasts.
It is also a very good camouflage companion, as nobody will notice the Human ears which are a big “magnet” for the curious. This will allow you to record anywhere with no hassle or unwanted sound events…
They also look very cool!
Made by hand using same material found in Profesional Wind Shields, preventing wind sound without affecting the clarity of the sound. Cutomized to fit around a Human ear using an elastic band.
– White and Grey options have long fibers for extra wind protection.
– Blue, Red and Green options have short fibers, for normal situations and less filtering.
Do not hesitate in contacting me for any other information.