
Router Plunge Base for KRESS

New Spindle:

This last christmas I decided to invest in a new spindle for my CNC so I can carry out bigger jobs, my main spindle works great but it’s not very powerful and I would rather leave it for PCB and delicate jobs, while using a more heavy-duty one for wood and rough jobs.

I decided to get a Dewalt, but after lots of checking I found out that the European prices are almost twice the american ones, making my choice extremely expensive… I only wanted a router that I can use in the CNC aswell as by hand without expending too much.

DIY Router base:

After lots of search around ended up going for the Kress 850, which almost doubles the torque and strength of my last spindle and fits on the CNC with no modifications. However this spindle doesn’t have any router base, in fact I couldn’t find even from their brand or any third-party companies… so I made some research and decided to make one myself.

Lots of different inspiration but I found this guy, which is a genius luthier/woodworker from the north of Spain and offer lots of info, YouTube video aswell as DIY plans that you can buy for a few euros… if you like this project and this kind of stuff make sure to check his website because it´s really worth it. If you want more info click this link.

Just to say  I did pay the plans for this router base as a sign of support and respect for his job, once I downloaded the files I have to say they are extremely well executed, instructions is both english and spanish, cad files, Sketchup files, images… Really worth every penny.

Cutting list:

Even though this project is well documented, I could guess all the parts without buying any plans. In fact, even if the plans are “perfect” for my spindle, the thickness of the wood I have available was different that the one mentioned in the plans, so I had to re-do all the measurements to assure the drills and parts fit together nicely with my materials.

I decided to CNC most of my parts, but you can make all by hand using the provided templates. Make sure to be accurate with all measurements since one millimeter off may affect the final assembly.

I first cut all parts and start a dry assembly, once it fits I drill screws with countersink and apply glue.

Final assembly and varnish:

Once I verify everything fits perfectly, I glue the parts, some like the knobs using epoxy for a strong seal. Some of the parts are the rails for the main height adjustment of the spindle, this parts must be sanded to assure a smooth movement across the hole axis before we glue anything in place.

Since this is a project that is going to be around a while, on top of all sort of surfaces I want to coat the hole thing and protect it.

In the following images I will add some captions so make sure you check the slide show of pictures to know what they are.

As you can see the system its quite simple. The rails allow the spindle to move up and down while the knobs hold it in position. When needing to adjust an exact depth you only need to insert a piece of the same thickness as the cut we want to make, between the depth adjustment system and the metal point in the base. Then adjusting the washer allows us to drop the spindle exactly the depth that we marked previously with the screw.

Test and accessories:

Checking that all fits nicely its a great surprise, and when it works its even better. The built turned up very nice and best of all works fantastically well.

The design also includes a lateral guide which allows us to make grooves parallel to an edge. Its simple but effective using some long 6mm screws, washers and a piece that acts like the guide. A clever extra here is that by turning this piece upside down and adding a pivot in the center, will make the router capable of routing,milling or cutting perfect circles.

I have to admit I really like the result of this project, because I´ve been really needing one of this for ages. If you find it interesting make sure to check the website of Paoson mentioned before, lots of inspiration there.

I hope you guys like it and find something useful around it. Cheers!

  1. Suso Caamanho Reply

    hola compañeros,
    acabo de ver este proyecto y solo decir que es un honor para mi poder ayudaros! muchas gracias por la mención a mi web.
    Tenéis una web sin duda muy interesante, bonita y bien planteada, seguid así!

    • inspektorgadjet Reply

      Hola Suso, tengo que decir que el honor es mío!
      Me alegro muchísimo que te guste la web y el proyecto.
      Gracias y un saludo!

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