Circuit bending TR 505 GT
This is a modified Roland TR-505. An Extreme and versatile circuit bending project.
I did this mod back in 2005 in my obsession to find a “controllable” circuit bending device. Midi was my way to go as it would allow more “in time” control from a sequencer… all my noise making devices were a bit useful or lets say better “too random” when used live…
I got this 505 for 5 euro from ebay, as a broken unit, fixed it and did the mod but it was one of my first circuit bending projects and the soldering was very poorly done, also the job paint was awful, wood side panels and overall look, so I decided to refurbish it, fix all the electrical issues and add some more mods, like the global pitch control.
It allows you to switch “bending points” with rotary switches, then u can interconnect this with the patch bay, the points also have an “amount” knob which allows to sweep from no effect. There are 10 “Body contacts aswell at the bottom of the unit”.
Tr-505 Circuit bent Sound Test:
Video is a bit long, not planned, but gives you an idea of the overall amount of sounds you can get… more audio demos with other external hardware soon!
Hope you enjoy it!
I am also trying to bend a 505
can you reccomend patth pionts or give a little tutorial? (maybe just a scematic or photos)
Hello Sam,
Sorry for a very late reply, site is going under updates precisely to fix things like this.
I do not have a guide, sorry, I guess there is enough info around and maybe at some point I may create one guide to circuit bent the TR505. Open it and share with others the mods I did, this project was really old and I just cannot remember what was done.
I would leave you here a couple of sites I visited back when I modded mine:
Hope it helps!